About our business operations for sustainable development(SDGs)
The SGDs(Sustainable Development Goals) proposed by the United Nations, are expected by not only large corporations but also individuals,small-medium-sized enterprises which actively contribute to environmental protection.
▷Contribute to Traceability in the context of medicine
▷Employee training according to their position
▷Conducting employee satisfaction surveys
Employment, inclusive and sustainable economic growth
▷Promoting diversity
▷Make effort to generate Intellectual Property
Resource Efficiency and Safety
▷Extending the lifespan of machinery through proper maintainance
Economic convergence
▷Stable supply of products and new product development
Health・Hygiene, and Employment
▷Improvement of a safe and possitive workplace environment
▷Making work-life balance
▷Initiatives for Employee Retention
Resource Efficiency, Safety, Climate
▷Commonization of parts by reviewing design flow, using standard products
▷Reduction of power consumption
▷Control waste and proper disposal
In our business, pollutants are not emitted during the manufacturing process
For more information, please inquire our sales representative.